Continuous Updates to the Chronicles of a 'Revolution of Dignity' 21 February 2015
• Situation Update: During the last 24hrs UAF has violated the Ceasefire 51 times including 4 times using Multiple Rocket Launchers and 32 times using Artillery
Russian Emergency Aid arrives in Lugansk and Donetsk
• NAF withdraws heavy weaponry while the UAF Terrorists keep shelling towns & Donetsk Airport, Porky calls for EU Peacekeepers
Beware of 'Psaking'
• The story of the Ukrainian Crisis (Genocidal War of Crimes against Humanity)
• RT. More Psaking: "Jen Psaki sounds like Baghdad Bob" "Moodies et al are political tools downgrading Russian Debt to 'Junk' status"
Ron Paul Institute executive Director.
• POW Exchange
• DPR PM Alexandr Zakharchenko interview 19/02/15
"UAF conscripts were afraid to surrender, they were threatened with execution if they did, there is footage of surrendering conscripts being shot by the nationalists who don't allow ordinary people to surrender".
• Young wounded UAF conscript appeals to Zionist Jew Poroshenko: "Look at what you've brought to me"
23 February 2015
• Message from the Partisans of the city Kharkov:
"This is an urgent statement by the Kharkov Partisans. We, the Kharkov partisans, leading a guerrilla war against the Kiev junta on the territory of Kharkov and region, haven’t had hand in an explosion during a march by the ATO supporters on the 22nd of February, 2015.
We, Kharkov partisans, didn’t plan and don’t plan to arrange our actions in places crowded with peaceful civilians regardless of their political views.
We think that many ordinary Ukrainians are fooled by the mass media of the Kiev junta. And as we’ve stated many times, we will not put their lives at risk.
Moreover, we have reliable information that the column of peaceful participants was blown up by order of Arsen Avakov the present Minister of Internal Affairs in order to launch an anti-terrorist operation in the Kharkov region.
Residents of Kharkov: One year ago, monsters, sadists and murderers came to power in Ukraine, which offer ordinary Ukrainian people in sacrifice in order to achieve their aims.
And we all are simply like coins to exchange in their dreadful game. We will win.
This was the urgent statement of the Kharkov partisans."
• Daily news: Continued shelling by the Uke fascists into towns and civilian areas.
• Daily briefing
An unusual look at Crimea and the People, expressing pride, overjoy and happiness of being part of Russia now!
• Merchant of Death and Destruction senile John McCain is ashamed of his country.
And show so he should be, truly a "dark chapter", as he says in the US' terrorism and country destruction.

• Poroshenko and Tusk giggling like a deranged little kids during prayers.
Obviously celebrating the violent overthrow of the Yanukovych Government which weighed up the best deal for Ukraine and opted for the Russian offer.
• "Ukraine says no weapons pull-back until full ceasefire"
"Seleznyov said that Kiev was only willing to start pulling back its heavy weapons once there has been a total stop in firing for a whole day."
Clearly a strategy to completely ignore the ceasefire and blame it on the NAF, while continually and indiscriminately shelling towns and massacring civilians.
24 February 2015
• Spoof: The Government of the Living Dead Political Necromancy in Ukraine
• DPR PM Alexandr Zakharchenko in fights for Debaltsevo. Combat footage!
• Russian company started to market Novorossiya Swim wear - Great Idea!
• Situation Map
• Novorossiya News: Kiev Junta is blockading Novorossiya not allowing any supplies, food etc into the Reupublic. UAF are continuously shelling Novoazovsk with Tanks and 120mm Mortars, no withdrawal by Uke Forces. Crimea to hold a Tribunal over Poroshenko - Crimea will never return to Ukraine.
• Putin interview: Kiev defeated by Novorossiya, NATO already supplying arms to Nazi Junta.
• DPR PM Alexandr Zakharchenko Press Conference on Defender of Fatherland Day!
Poroshenko is our ally: In the Debaltesvo Cauldron we seized 180 Tanks, 50Artillery Guns, we didn't even count the Mortars, huge amounts of Ammo, Poroshenko is our ally!
When the SSU captures the culprits of the explosion in Kharkov so quickly then they probably did the crime themselves.
Minsk, before the shelling was 70 to 80 a day now its 20 or more a day, they don't want Minsk.
Some major provocation is planned to invalidate the Minsk agreement.
America is already supplying arms to Ukraine; Jamming equipment, M4 Guns, 155mm canons - widespread supplies of guns and ammo.
• Uglegork totally destroyed.
25 February 2015
• Daily Update: 6 out of ten Uke casualties are due to friendly fire and poor handling of arms!
Kharkov False Flag....!
• Givi on the Defender of the Fatherland rally in Donetsk
• DPR unilaterally withdraws heavy arms from the from while the Zionazi Fascists declared they wouldn't withdraw while their were 'Ceasefire Violations' (the themselves)
Don't make the same mistake twice in a row Novorossiya!
• UAF 25th bat. "Kiev Rus" commander reveals truth about Debaltsevo cauldron
• Ruins of Donetsk airport are going to be dismantled to retrieve corpses of UAF troops

UK announced they will send 75 Training Personnel to the Ukraine
Birds of a Feather ..............
Meanwhile the US announced it too will send trainers to the Ukraine to instruct UAF troops.
26 February 2015
• The most compelling reasons behind the vicious and desperate war against Novorossiya.
Most of the prized, and coveted by the Fascists, resources are located in the East of what once was Ukraine and now is in Novorossiya.
Add to this the rich and fertile Farmland where Monsatan has already staked a claim and German Companies with the connivance of the EU Development Bank are also busy buying up Farmland to plant toxic GMO crops banned in the EU, as backdoor into the massive EU consumer market.
• The Resources held by the present extent of Novorossiya alone, i.e. Donetsk and Lugansk Republics.
• Givi and the Defense Minister Kononov at destroyed Donetsk Airport.
• Daily Briefing: Minister of Defence Vehicle attacked at the Donetsk Airport
Q: Why aren't the OSCE attending the Withdrawal of NAF forces?
A: If you find a way to make the OSCE mission talk, share the secret. They allege that we don't provide all the necessary information to them!!!
The OSCE has time and again shown its partiality and bias towards the Zionazi Fascist Junta in Kiev and is not in the least trustworthy. All part of the western Fascist Warmongering system in place.
• Alexander Hug, Deputy Chief Monitor OSCE Mission to Ukraine mealy mouthing his way around admitting the fact that the OSCE is partial and biased to the extreme.
A despicable display of 'diplomatic doublespeak' by an agent for the Zionazi Fascists!
• Daily News: Drone shot down at Donetsk Airport, Ukrop terrorists continue shelling of towns in Novorossiya, Mobile network restored in Debaltsevo in spite of the Ukes refusing to cooperate, Arms purchase from the UAE,
• Daily News: Uke Terror squads mine the railway tracks, five workers seriously injured while repairing rail tracks; Debaltsevo was home to 25,000 citizens in peacetime while now only 7,000 remain but residents are returning to the devastated city. Nazis in Kiev protest and demand 'Martial Law'.
• Daily News: Social spending cuts and defence spending increase;
• Some 20-25% of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s budget is stolen each year, presidential advisor and assistant to the Defence Minister Yuriy Biriukov stated.
The draft budget for 2015 allocates $5.7 billion to Defence!
Poroshenko stated that each day of his ATO (Atrocities and Terrorist Operations) against peaceful civilians, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and cities in Novorossiya costs 100 million Hryvnia, about US$4 million.
The Uke budget now requires that the Defence budget be no less than 3% of GDP while cutting on social services and support for retirees and other benefits.
• News about Ukraine: US' sanctions and economic war against Russia; Uke Zionazi Fascists demand subordination of Donetsk and Lugansk before considering resuming trade and economic ties with the region.
27 February 2015
• Daily News: Continued shelling by UAF; LPR Militia withdrawal 80% complete while UAF only 20%; Several dozens of dead UAF soldiers recovered in Airport cleanup ops;
Denis Pushilin: Novorossiya may return to Ukraine if the Ukraine changes with a new Constitution all according to the Minsk Agreement.
• Minsk-2 at the UN:
Samantha Powers: We've gotten used to live in the upside down world regarding the Ukraine, Russia talks about Peace but incites a Conflict, Russia signs Agreements but makes every effort to undermine them!
And no, Powers didn't even blush spouting this verbal diarrhea a the highest political global forum.
After a nauseous outburst by Powers over the ‘suffering of the people of Debaltsevo at the hands of the NAF’ the Russian envoy Vitaly Churkin was allowed to talk some sense:
For months Ukrainian Forces were shelling Donetsk, for some reason nobody grieved for that. There are a lot of villages and towns that were razed to the ground after the actiosn of Americ.... ehrr Ukrainian forces!!
Nice slip of the tongue Vitaly!
• Militias leave Kalinov under the supervision of the OSCE (in Russian)
• Graphic Footage from the Donetsk Airport where lots of Cyborgs were recovered.
• Daily News: Another 16 truck convoy set out from Russia, invading Ukraine with Humanitarian Aid! Kerry wants more money for his Propaganda Lies to counter the RT Truth Machine! Riots in Kiev confronted by democratic Bulldozers.

• Daily News update: Black market now 50 Hryvnia to 1 USD. Bangladesh, Ghana, Zambia, Chad, all have higher minimum wages than the Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Troll Factory, the, is located in the US counteracting the Russian "Truth Disseminators".
Food rationing in the Ukraine of 'American Values and Democracy'.
28 February 2015
• DPR PM Zakharchenko Press Conference:
It looks like Russia is the only one interested in a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian conflict, I can't see any assistance from France and Germany.
Kiev still blockades Novorossiya economically; no food, medicines or other supplies are allowed in.
Ukraine is broke; declaration of default is only a matter of time.
Our Government is making efforts to insulate Novorossiya prices from the effects of the collapse of the Hryvnia and will start purchasing vast amounts of supplies from other countries.
What haven't they blockaded? It’s easier to talk about what they haven’t taken away; they haven’t taken our air……
The war is fought economically as they couldn’t win militarily by blockading us completely.
The only thing left is to turn off he water, but that would turn off the water to Mariupol as well so we’re more secure in that respect.
Territorial defence squads are being created in case of resumption of hostilities so they can take up arms immediately.
• Daily News: Kiev is violating the Minsk agreement by blockading Novorossiya economically.
• Daily News: Ukrainian punitive forces shelling NAF positions, Ceasefire violations.
• Combat Zone -- Psychedelics of War.
• Donbass under fire: The Roads of War
• Who's behind the maidan killings of February 2014
1st March 2015
• Daily News: More provocations from UAF, Car blown up by mine, one soldier killed two seriously injured. More fascist laws in Ukraine, banning criticizing politicians.
• Mayhem and Destruction, Debaltsevo cauldron -- destroyed UAF checkpoint
• Ukrop soldiers venting their anger at Poroshenko (Lots of F---s in their simple message)
• Destroyed UAF checkpoint near Tchernukhino
• Victims of the Zionazi Fascist War against innocent civilians - a Morgue full of horrendously disfigured corpses!
Poroshenko, Nuland, McCain, Obama, Soros, Pyatt come and have a look at your handiwork for your Corporate owners profiteering.
• The map shows that the Gas resources are located mainly in two places; the far west and in Donetsk stretching as far back as to the Belarus border.
Donetsk with adjacent Kharkiv have a sizeable portion of the Gas and potential oil resources.
Shell is currently drilling and fracking in the Kharkiv Oblast, a province which very much has sympathies to join Novorossiya, hence the intense and fierce fighting around the gas drilling sites.
Reports already confirm that the fracking is proceeding by stealth, circumventing lengthy legal procedures under the cover of the 'civil war', a fevorite tactic by S'Hell.
03 March 2015
• Daily News; Ukrops violate Ceasefire, shelling a Airport, Ukes cheating and not withdrawing but amassing heavy weapons.
• Nemtsov murder; Biden, Poroshenko and 'Democracy': The assisted 'suicide' of Chechetov in Kiev.
• Ukraine Inferno; NovorossiaTV Documentary
• Battle Scenes around Debaltsevo, capturing huge armaments prize.
• Documentary: Novorossiya - Founding A New Nation Amidst the Ukraine War!
5 March 2015
• Givi and Tsar, Defense Minster Kononov, at the Donetsk airport.
• Daily News: More Tanks for the Ukes to ensure Peace will be peaceful! The tanks are strictly defensive in nature of course.
Ukraine Today TV - Ukraine Tomorrow TV, what next; 'Uke Yesterday TV'?
Propaganda-Lies channel in Russian, English and Ukrainian, funded by US/EU Fascists.
• "Nazi Platoons Under Direct Command of Kiev", confirmed by Ukraine's Envoy to Germany
• Ukraine's Kids brainwashed from day one; Fascism, Nazism, Death to Russia........
• Interview with Serbian volunteer, who came to defend Novorossiya

• Kleptocracy!
The Ukrainian National Bank raised interest rates to 30% in a bid to avert hyper inflation - some put already at 272%, guess that's not hyper inflation yet, hello Zimbabwe.
The country's fourth-biggest bank, Delta Bank, was declared insolvent on Monday, whereas two weeks earlier Privatbank, owned by Oligarch Ihor Kolomoysky, and the country's biggest bank, received an emergency 700 billion Hryvnia two-year loan, (US$28.9 billion).
The loan was its second bailout in 2 days, and Privatbank was also the country's biggest recipient of government aid in 2014.
Must look after the Kleptocrats, after all they own the place.
In US Dollar terms Ukrainian monthly wages declined from an average of $395 to $133; a 66% drop.
Gotta love this Amerikan Demokracy!
7 March 2015
• Givi Press Conference: "The OSCE mission got attacked by UAF tanks at the Donetsk airport. If the OSCE really is neutral and impartial as they say then let them show this video to the whole world how they fell into the dust trying to hide from the mortar attack by the Ukrainians!"
Has the OSCE condemned this attack in the strongest possible terms?
• Igor Strelkov interview: about US purposes in this war and Ukrainian people
• Handing over 23 corpses to the Ukrainian side.
• A visit to the once beautiful Donetsk Airport.
• 'Nutty as a Fruitcake' Samantha Power accuses Russia of everything under the sun; all of which is perpetrated by her little Uke Zionazi Fascist boy scouts controlled by her Langley (CIA) handlers and her subversive agent in Kiev masquerading as Ambassador.
It was another excellent slanging competition fest at its very best at the UN to see who could come up with the most egregious,insane, puerile accusation against Russia - and the winner again is, dddddddddrrrrum role: Sammy Power from the US, where else!
• US of Atrocities increases its budgets for Russian language Propaganda Lies to counter the Truth and Facts disseminated by the Russian Media - you got to hand it to them, they truly believe their crude Lies and inane puerile vilification and slander!
• News Update: Ukes increase their Army to 250,000; as a peace dividend?
Russian Banks' Assets frozen by the Zionazi Fascists.
• Novorossiya records 25 Ceasefire violations by the Ukes; NATO war games in in the Black Sea; The ever increasing number of 'Advisers' being shipped to the Ukraine to ensure the Peace!
• Spoof on the new TV Propaganda channel called Ukraine Tomorrow, after having one called Ukraine Today!
• Ukrainian Inflation 272%!
• Documentary: The Bosse Bus Stop Attack
• Other News:
• Steinmeier says Russia, Ukraine agree to double OSCE observers
• Ukraine's Economy Likely To 'Plunge' In 2015: The Ukrainian government said on March 5 the country's economy "will shrink this year and consumer prices will jump" due to the effects of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
A statement posted on the government's website said GDP could fall by as much as 11.9 percent this year in a "worst-case scenario" and that year-end inflation could accelerate to 42.8 percent.
LOL it's already at 272%!
• The UK is to supply Ukraine with £850,000 worth of non-lethal military equipment, the government says.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the package would include first aid kits, night-vision goggles, helmets, GPS units and "ruggedised" laptops.
9 March 2015
• Interview with Alexei Mozgovoi: "I'm not going to yield to provocations"
• Givi on the International Women's Day.
• Graham Phillips' Message to Great Britain, now back in Great Britain
• If you can bear it, but keep your sick bag handy: Interview with NATO General Breedlove on UT (Ukraine Today)
11 March 2015
• Daily Briefing: Since Feb. 12th more than 400 shellings by Uke forces have occurred.
• Daily News: Boredom to start shelling & massacring civilians; Poroshenko: Culture as a weapon - yes anything is fair game and nothing to inane of puerile; More verbal masturbating from Obama about Sanctions; 100 armored vehicles delivered to Latvia as a show of its Peaceful Intentions by NATO.
• Uke foreign reserves now at 6bn down from 20 a year ago; IMF to decide whether to pour good money after bad and give Uke another 17.5bn in loans; The present Junta is far more corrupt and incompetent than the Yanukovych government ever was.
• Do you trust Poroshenko, do you trust Putin?
• Investigating Mozgovoy's assassination attempt.
• Cross Talk: Russia Watching
• Darya Morozova Press-conference: Exchange of POWs
14 March 2015
• News
• Yanukovich is going to "help" DPR. Yanukovich's son's company will be nationalized.
•Constant shelling by Ukes against Novorossiya positions - no OSCE in sight.
• Desperate appeal by Zakharchenko to Merkel and Hollande to force their protegee Zionazi Fascist Terrorists to comply with Minsk-2 - good luck with that one!
• The Crimes against Humanity continue by the Uke zionazi fascists under the control of the CIA/Moassad mercenary terrorists - firing incendiary White Phosphorous against Novorossiya positions
• Interview with Odessa massacre survivor, recently released from Ukraine prison
• News: Donetsk Republic gives Kiev Junta two days to prove compliance with Minsk-2 Agreement; Robert Scales' famous remarks of 'Start killing Russians'
• Geoffrey R. Pyatt - Skirmisher of Euromaidan
• Is Kiev deliberately sabotage the Minsk-2 Accord? (Yes)
More Psakiing
16 March 2015
• Press TV: Poroshenko in Germany says Novorossiya violates Ceasefire, Truce Deal Not Working; (and no, he didn't even blush)
• Daily News Update: OSCE under attack from Uke forces, they knew that the OSCE will be at the Donetsk Airport; Ukes violated the 'Ceasefire' 25 times in the last 24hrs; Finnish Journalist beaten by Ukes for telling the facts of Uke ceasefire violations; President Grybauskaite "Lithuania already under attack"; EU's Tusk off to DC for more Warmongering.
• UT TV, Ukraine Today, trying to debunk rumors that their fascist Zionazi Government is killing off opposition politicians saying they are just 'suicides'!
• Poroshenko Double Speak: Mobilisation / Demobilisation - Peace working / Not working;
Ukraine Demobilization Start: President says 35,000 servicemen to return home from east Ukraine
• DC Warmonger #1 McInsane interview: Arm the Ukraine; I'm ashamed of my country.... etc - but keep your Sickbag handy!
• Poroshenko Submits ‘Special Status’ Bill: Ukraine's parliament to vote on the bill this week, however areas 'captured after September 19 2014 are not to be included.
17 March 2015
• News Update: Uke Terrorist forces violated the 'truce' 34 time during the last 24hrs; Poroshenko submits law for special status of Novorossiya to Rada but as part of the Minsk accord the leaders of Donetsk and Lugansk must approve and sign the law first and they haven't seen this proposed law yet.
• Daily News: Since Minsk-2 come into force the Uke Terrorists violated the ceasefire 8,254 times;
Uke Terrorists opened fire at DPR truck and murdered 2 men - (an attempt was made to advise the OSCE of this latest violation but they were all caught in bed with the Terrorists)
• Daily News: Drunk Uke tank driver runs into pedestrians and kills girl causing outrage and some retaliation against Uke Terrorist Forces
• Daily News: Riots after drunk Uke Tank driver kills an eight year old child and a woman; Proroshenko declares War in Transnistria to 'unfreeze' the conflict and re-integrate Transnistira into Moldova; During the past 24hres the Fascist Uke forces violated the ceasefire at least 19 times destroying homes;
• Go to Updates Page 1
• Go to Chronicles of a 'Revolution of Dignity'
• Go to Open Letter to the Ukrainian People
• Go to What's really at stake in the Ukraine and Novorossiya!
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