There is a group of CCP and military cadres, implementing the expressed policies of the top echelons of the CCP, including Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, [see Footnotes: a] and devising and executing this meticulously planned attack on Tibetans and their identity and culture.
Wang Lequan, current Member of the Politburo in Beijing, Li Dezhu, Head of the Ethnic Affairs Commission, Zhang Qingli current Party Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party of the Autonomous Region Tibet, General Tong Guishan and General Zhang Guihua
Purported picture of General Zhang Guihua
[see Footnotes: b]
And with it of course, the desire of a distinct people to be free, and their legitimate demand for genuine Autonomy and Independence.
To quote Li Dezhu: "The Problem with minorities will definitively be solved by mass Han Chinese migration once and for all".
China’s “Final Solution” for Tibetans!
The real political power in Tibet - Zhang Qingli, Wen Jiabao, Wang Lequan, Hu Jintao, Li Dezhu (left to right)
Dezhu has been behind the official policy of “abandoning the preservation of ethnic identities” and to ruthlessly eradicate any vestiges of culture and ethnicity with which ethnic minorities could identify with.
He is also behind the policy labelled "Destroying ethnic cultures and disintegrating religious minorities through the promotion of materialism".
Zhang Qingli, protégé of Hu Jintao and Bovver Boy for the CCP in Tibet has ruthlessly attacked the Tibetan culture and identity by introducing policies to “change man” and to refashion them, in the truly archaic, Maoist doctrine mould.
He reinforced “patriotic education”, which is code for the repetition by rote of the CCP’s doctrine of "Love for the Chinese Motherland", and denouncing the Dalai Lama and anything Tibetan. For monks for instance these gruelling sessions have to be endured for over half the available time, that is up to 20 days per month.
To quote this guy: "For China the Tibetans are children which must be indoctrinated with the love for China…… The real Buddha for Tibetans is the Central Party Committee."
As a further illustration of the general hue and lofty intellect these indoctrination sessions are made of, the answer to one of the questions about the Dalai Lama is:
"The Dalai is the head of the Serpent and the Chieftain of the separatist organization conspiring for independence in Tibet and he is the root-cause of all social instability in Tibet."
(Note the omission of the word Lama, designed as an added insult, first tendered by Wen Jiabao to belittle and denigrate the Dalai Lama while brandishing him as a "Liar", and now repeated ad nauseam by hundreds of millions of Han ultra nationalist net propagandists in the form of 'DaLie'.)
Wang Lequan has ample experience in eradicating the Uyghur identity and to dilute and wipe them out through his ruthless policies:
• The deportation of hundreds of thousands of young girls of marriageable age, 16 to 23, to east coast factories to prevent ‘ethnic breeding’.
• The outlawing of the Uyghur language in schools and a forced mass migration of Han Chinese into the Uyghur territory to dilute and destroy their identity once and for all.
He since has turned his “skills” in cultural genocide to Tibet with intensified vigour and brutality and extended these policies.
These policies have robbed the Tibetans of their basis for cultural identity; the loss of their language in school, commerce, in dealings with authority, news, and even entertainment.
They have lost the right to freely practising their beloved religion, the adherence to the Tibetan way of life, they've lost their once sacred, pristine environment, and their confidence as a people, for they’re truly treated as third class citizens in their own country under Han Chinese occupation.
From here it is a small step to the complete eradication of a once unique and proud, contented and confident people through the marginalisation by mass migration, which would render them an insignificant minority. A minority that can be completely overlooked and ignored, for the Han Chinese hold all the power; economic, military, financial and political.
The Han Chinese “reasoning” goes, that once Tibetans no longer exist as a distinct people, and their land is settled with a majority of Han Chinese, China will have “legitimised” their illegal occupation and annexation of Tibet.
The looting and pillaging of natural resources of Tibet of course has long since escalated into a feeding frenzy.
With no environmental controls or regulations to speak of, Han Chinese are stripping the land bare of forests, minerals, gold and anything of value, with all of it shipped east back to China.
Tibetans have an innate desire to follow their customs and traditions, to be left alone and to self determination.
Independence is a dream that will never die, but with China’s complete intransigence and puerile obstinacy, pragmatism would dictate that the least they could hope for is some form of Autonomy within China.
An autonomy which was guaranteed by Mao's China as part of the ‘17 Point Agreement’, and which is enshrined in the PRC's Constitution, and guaranteed under the UN conventions signed up to by the PRC, but as all other legal undertakings entered into by the CCP, blatantly flouted and contravened. Read more here
However talk, and paper, is cheap, and it is unlikely that this leopard will ever change its spots.
There shouldn’t be any delusion that China has any honourable intentions in Tibet, or is even sincere with talks sporadically being held with representatives of the TGE (Tibetan Government in Exile).
The ‘stakes’ are far too high for the Han Chinese Communists; Tibet is a prize they’ll never let go without a huge fight.
• Militarily highly strategic as a buffer and playground
• Vast, sparsely populated land mass for migration
• Huge natural resources to be exploited
• Source of vital river systems with huge hydroelectric power production
Though anachronistic, and their occupation of Tibet illegal under International Law, Han ruled and dominated “China” is, and has always been a racist and imperialistic power; a power without a conscience, intent on expansion and conquest of other peoples’ lands.
The invention of the ‘Nation of a family of 56 ethnic groups’ is but a racist ploy, which has always been just a façade to masquerade Han Chinese imperialism, and the forceful subjugation of all the other, hapless, oppressed minorities! See more details here
For further details of cultural genocide and systematic repression see here and here
■ a) Though the CCP maintains a façade of Tibetan autonomous self-rule and government, the real power, as everywhere in China, rests with the party, which is strictly ruled from the top down, and there ultimately with the CCP Politburo Standing Committee.
There is no real power vested outside the party, but policy is delegated to regional party branches and the execution of directives is their responsibility.
In Tibet unfettered power thus is vested with the Party Secretary, Zhang Qingli and his executive henchman of the military, the army commander of Tibet General Tong Guishan.
Present members (2009) of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee:
1) Hu Jintao - President of the People's Republic of China, General Secretary of the CPC, Chairman of the Central Military Commission.
2) Wu Bangguo - Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
3) Wen Jiabao - Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
4) Jia Qinglin - Chairman of the People's Political Consultative Conference
5) Li Changchun: ‘Propaganda Chief’
6) Xi Jinping - Vice President of the People's Republic of China, top-ranked member of CPC Secretariat
7) Li Keqiang - Executive Vice Premier
8) He Guoqiang - Head of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
9) Zhou Yongkang - Head of Political and Legislative Affairs Committee
Present members of the Politburo of the CCP Central Committee:
Hu Jintao
Wen Jiabao
Wang Lequan
Hui Liangyu
Liu Qi
Liu Yunshan
Li Changchun
Wu Yi
Wu Bangguo
Wu Guanzheng
Zhang Lichang
Zhang Dejiang
Luo Gan
Zhou Yongkang
Yu Zhengsheng
He Guoqiang
Jia Qinglin
Guo Boxiong
Cao Gangchuan
Wang Zhaoguo
Zeng Qinghong
Zeng Peiyan
■ b) The list of men accused of genocide and crimes against humanity and facing trial in a Spanish court are:
• Liang Guanglie - Defence Minister
• Geng Huichang - Minister for State Security
• Zhang Qingli - Communist Party Secretary in Tibet
• Wang Lequan - Politburo member
• Li Dezhu - Ethnic Affairs Commission head
• Tong Guishan - People’s Liberation Army Commander in Lhasa
• General Zhang Guihua - Political commissar in the Chengdu military command
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