Congratulations on your surprise election as President of the United States of America, this is a great achievement against the entire might of the entrenched oligarchy fighting you every step of the way!
You have the fulfilment of all the expectations, hopes and dreams of the US electorate and the whole of humanity on your shoulders!
We recall that during the election campaign you made a swathe of bold statements and promises which raised the expectations of millions of people, and which got you elected despite that all the elite powers were lined up against you!
Thus you have a monumental task at your hands to deliver on these hallowed pledges to humanity; to ‘drain the swamp’ and serve justice to the select few of the 0.01%!
We say humanity because when America gets it wrong, then all of humanity suffers, and America has gotten it badly wrong since its inception in 1776; which is the understatement of the millennium.
In fact America has only brought death and destruction to the rest of the planet; that is 'wars for profit' for these 0.01% parasite.
The US is a country which has been at war for 223 years out of a total of 240 years of existence, and be honest, how may of these were fought to defend itself against an outside aggressor? None!
But it really is all very simple and easy to deliver on your pledges, if you know where to apply your leverage most effectively.
You see, the oligarchy relies on a very simple mechanism to derive all their powers and which enables them to menace all of humanity; their ability to conjure up currency out of thin air and thus fund a gigantic military to menace the world; we’re talking about the fiat currency crime racket, which they own and operate and have so for the last few hundred years.
Take away this foundation of their parasitic existence and they’ve lost virtually all of their power.
To boot, to make it really easy and all legitimate for you, this fiat currency crime racket is unconstitutional and illegal, so all you need, to have the populace and law on your side, is to invoke the constitution!
To illustrate how important this fiat currency crime racket is for the parasitic 0.01% oligarchy, consider that every war in the 21st century has been waged by this deep state cabal in defence of this golden goose of theirs.
Iraq was destroyed, millions were massacred and Saddam taken out because he committed the mortal sin of switching from Satan’s currency, the US Dollar, to the equally vile Euro for his oil.
Saddam was callously hanged while the real perpetrators of genocide of millions of innocent Iraqis, Bush, Blair et al are enjoying their Tequila Sunsets and garnering millions in consulting fees from the Oligarchy who ordered them to invade an innocent country, posing no threat to the US, and destroy it so they could revert to the Petro-Dollar!
Gaddafi was murdered, his country destroyed and hundreds of thousands massacred because he proposed an honest, fair and equitable monetary system, one like it used to be; money based on gold.
He swiftly had all his gold stolen and Libya is now a proud member of the Central Bankster’s club, which by the way was installed at the very outset of the entirely contrive ‘uprising’ with proxy terrorist in the employ of the CIA; which is merely a tool for the 0.01% oligarchy to wield their power globally, enacting regime change and fostering wars, death and destruction wherever a leader or country defies their command and attempts to escape their dictate, exploitation and vassalage.
Syria is a very similar case and is being destroyed for the 0.01 oligarchy on the grounds that it refused to accept the Qatari gas pipeline but instead opted for the Iranian one. Syria also is a stalwart in defence of the Palestinian’s rights and has been so since the very inception of that Squatter Colony on their land.
But most of all, it occupies the lands this squatter colony next door covets for their own enjoyment, plus a lot more real estate belonging to other peoples!
Syria is being attacked by every rabid Dog and Hyena heeding the Squatter Colony's command, from DC to London, from Ankara to Riyadh, from Paris to Ankara, and all the craven vassal states of the terrorist Org NATO.
Luckily, Syria has some real, honest and decent friends in Russia and Iran, the two most admirable countries who tirelessly work for peace and equality across the globe and in the Middle East.
The biggest menace and scourge to this war ravaged region, and all of Humanity, are the Squatter Colony and its craven vassal boy, the US - Iran and Russia are the Heroes to all righteous people globally!
Please tell that to your pick as Secretary of State, the arch warmonger and a danger to humanity, John Bolton.
This oligarchy is so entrenched and powerful that it has been puppeteering every presidential stooge at least since Wilson, so you will have to completely remove their entire deep state structure in order to survive and implement your program of reform.
Again this should prove very simple; their crimes are so egregious, treasonous and of such satanic nature that you’ll have the law and the global populace completely on your side in having them all jailed, and those guilty of treason publicly hanged.
Don't you dare going back on your world on this essential step towards a betters world; Hillary is as cunning as a shrew
The Bolsheviks didn’t leave a single one of the Romanovs alive and history has ample testimony to the fact that if you show clemency and magnanimity and leave just one single cockroach of the rotten power structure intact, the vermin will regenerate, regroup, and strike back and you will be their casualty, just ask JFK! Kennedy was a mild form of a renegade, anti-establishment reformer and even that was too much and thus was swiftly removed.
Julius Caesar learnt the hard way that his clemency and pardons were zero guarantee for loyalty or subservience, and was brutally murdered on the Ides of March by those to whom he had shown such magnanimity.
It was in fact an extremely generous act of forgiveness on his part and a daring break with established practices and traditions after his predecessors wiped out entire cities and states after they conquered them; it was total devastation from Carthage to Spain and beyond.
Don't become a martyr, slain like JFK or Julius Caesar and remove the first before they have a chance to strike at you!
Though in spite, or because of it, Caesar's name has lived on and resonated brilliantly throughout two millennia of history as one of the all-time greats, but this was after his much hailed achievements for the Roman State; alas, his conquered subjects naturally wouldn't exactly see it this way!
But you have yet to deliver on one single one of your lofty promises, so learn your lesson well, and from the greatest there are!
You will have to act decisively and ruthlessly and show no mercy, nor fear or favour; the entire rotten 0.01% oligarchy must be excised, brought to justice, tried and put into a very safe place from where they will have no ability to derail the long overdue reforms you’ve so valiantly promised.
Again this is a very simple case to resolve; it is common knowledge globally, outside of the zombie world in the USA created by the Oligarchy's MSM, as to who the perpetrators of this crime against humanity were, and the evidence leads straight to the heart of the oligarchy you’ve decided to take on and remove.
You’ll find them in the highest echelons in DC, on Wall Street, the Fed, in of course Tel Aviv, in the myriads of Think Tanks, i.e. in PNAC, AIPAC, CFR etc, in the military, the CIA, FBI, NSA and the entire alphabet soup of agencies of the oligarchy, used to keep the populace oppressed, at bay, in constant fear and in the dark as to who really the perpetrators are of all the crimes against humanity these agencies purport to pursue and prevent!
There is a litany of such crimes against humanity the oligarchy is perpetrating as we speak:
There are the Chem-trails designed to destroy the very foundation of all life on this planet; the health of the air we breathe, and to poison the soil we grow our food on and to pollute the water every living organism requires for every aspect of existence.
Then there is the mother of all atrocities against humanity, the Fukushima genocidal crime of all times!
You see, the seismic signature clearly attests to the fact that his was not a natural earthquake but a man induced nuclear explosion triggering an earthquake and the ensuing tsunami.
This again is widely known and just needs the right protagonist with enough courage to bring the perpetrators to justice!
There is a clear, well established trail of evidence, and again it leads straight to the squatter colony on the far eastern reaches of the Mediterranean; just like the 9/11 twin-tower attack, the 7/7 London Underground Bombings, Charley Hebdo, the Paris Bataclan bombing, and many, many more terrorist attacks!
Frau Merkel, a covert member of the Tribe, supplies this illegal squatter colony with nuclear capable subs, and was it one of theirs spotted at the time off the coast of Japan, just before the greatest calamity in human history occurred?
Not that the MSM, owned by the perpetrators themselves, would ever term it as such, but this is nothing short of the greatest, most heinous crime against humanity ever perpetrated!
You are probably too deeply entrenched with this chosen flock to notice, and your pusillanimous waxing lyrical as to having this barbaric, genocidal and illegal squatter colony as a “best friend and shining beacon of hope” proves that you’ve either already sold out holus bolus or are blissfully ignorant as to who the real foe of America, and all of humanity is!
This so called 'friend' is the only entity to ever attack the US, not once but multiple times; SS Liberty, 9/11, and there was the Lavon Affair and all the missing Trillions from Pentagon Budgets, time and again, but 'mysteriously' all the auditors investigating these missing Trillions all died on 9/11, not due to a plane hitting the Pentagon, but to bombs set off within!
You see, Mr. President elect, your hackneyed mantra of ‘making America great again’ and your overt support for this illegal squatter colony on Palestinian land are diametrically opposed to each other!
The Squatter Colony and all their agents within the US want to bleed you dry and destroy you from within.
Just as Fukushima was a plot to massacred billions of people with one single crime, and make no mistake, billions will die of radiation exposure from the never ceasing fallout from the destroyed reactors, so in the same fashion the Chem-trails are designed to massacre billions to make way for the chosen flock.
And then, to your special friends from that squatter colony, America is merely a cow to be milked until it has no more juice to be squeezed out of and then will simply be callously discarded by this 'dearest of friends'.
As your good friend Bibi Netanyahu purportedly uttered under his breath in a moment of candid indiscretion:
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”
This is the ‘friend’ you first called as President elect of the US; or are you, like all your treasonous predecessors, merely the anointed stooge for the squatter colony and their entrenched Deep State ruling the US Government, populated almost entirely with their creed serving only their cause for the squatter colony and to enrich themselves at the expense of the productive people of America and globally.
We don’t need to furnish you with names; they are all very well known and are to be found in all their Think Tanks, their lobby groups, inside the US Government, on Wall Street, in the Fed and the many NGOs, global institutions and the Military Industrial Complex!
So you have your work cut out, and remember, don’t leave a single aspect of the parasitic 0.01% oligarchy in place.
It is a multi faceted, multi layered beast; it starts at the very top with the mega financiers of the Rothschild, Soros kind et al.
It includes the parasitic Royals of Europe congregating in the Bilderberg Think Tank, and the 'Who’s Who' descending on Davos every January to thrash out their next move and agenda towards total global hegemony and tyrannical rule by the ‘anointed ones’.
They sit in the boardrooms of Wall Street, the so called Federal Reserve without any reserves and being entirely un-federal.
They hide behind the gilded facades of their Think Tanks tendering thinly disguised ‘advice’, which simply is their command to the their bought off puppet whores in Congress and the White House.
Then you’ll have to deal with the permanent staff in every department, every agency, every NGO on every level; and we’re afraid to inform you that the entire structure from the top on down is merely a tool for the chosen flock which so gallantly cosies up to you as a trusted friend and ally, while milking every last drop of life-blood from the US and the productive people globally, and leads the US into wars, and the intractable financial ruin the US finds itself in now!
One aspect of their ability to get away with this not so covert crime against the people of the US and against the entire humanity is their total control of the media; a fact you’ve experienced yourself and bemoaned bitterly after becoming their target and made a victim of their vitriol, smears and lies; and lies is all they disseminate globally!
So one of your first tasks will be to dismantle this formidable wall of lies which has created a global hologram of a virtual, upside down un-reality to prevent the truth from reaching productive Joe six-pack on the main street!
Again, this is very simple; just revert to the old rules and require that no individual, corporation, news agency or any organ which disseminates news as a broadcaster, printed media or internet portal is allowed to represent more than say 1% of the entire media landscape.
With presently the entire mind-control media structure in the hands of merely five corporations, controlled and owned by the chosen oligarchy, this will ensure the divestment of large segments of this propaganda apparatus and give local and independent news organisations a chance of survival in an otherwise hegemonic, rigged cartel ganging up on any outsider and newcomer alike!
So let’s recap your program to success and fulfilment of all your pledges:
First and foremost the fiat currency crime racket must be excised and removed on the grounds of unconstitutionality and its deep rooted criminality; Wall Street, in cahoots with the Fed, the ESF and all their institutions and markets, is the biggest cesspool of crimes in history against the productive people globally by a parasitic crime syndicate consisting of the entire matrix representing the Banksters, the rigged markets like the CME/Comex, LBMA, LME, the OTC markets, the Rating Agencies, the Fed, the so called watch-dogs CFTC, SEC, BaFin, FSA et al. the IMF, the BIS, assorted CBs and other institutions built around this fiat currency crime racket of exploitation, rape and plunder of the productive people!
Then you will have to bring the entire deep state power structure to justice and all their operatives and puppets; the Bushes, Clintons, all the perpetrators of 9/11 and Fukushima, all the perpetrators of all the Terrorist acts globally, the Warmongers behind all the criminal Wars of aggression in defence of the fiat currency crime racket, and the entire parasitic Wall Street et al gang of rape and plunder of the productive people globally.
You’ll have to ensure that not one single one of the old guard serving the oligarchy will remain in place; be ruthless and without mercy; the common people get chucked into the slammer for no crimes at all, for merely smoking a joint or ‘resisting arrest’, or be lynched with complete impunity by Squatter Colony indoctrinated cops who are now programmed automatons with the tried and proven brainwash formula employed by the squatter colony to have their populace and IDF go out and massacre the rightful inhabitants they’re squatting on with nary a blush of conscience!
By going after the oligarchy holus bolus you’ll achieve every aspect of the renaissance you’ve so loftily promised; you’ll remove their powerbase i.e. the fiat currency crime racket, as once the extent of the cesspool of crimes by the financial matrix becomes clear there will be no other option than to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and nationalise all the criminal Wall Street Banks.
This will lead straight to ending Fractional Reserve Lending and the institution of sound, honest and equitable money; Gold!
It will remove the deep state, the gigantic parasitic layer of Banksterism, which is their powerbase and open the way to real reforms badly needed and long overdue.
What will ensue is a world at peace, a world without parasitic banksters waging wars of aggression in defence of their fiat currency crime racket and the endless terrorism blamed on innocent Muslims, which is a euphemism for the people in opposition to the illegal squatter colony coveting all these Muslim people’s lands from the ‘Brook of the Nile to the Euphrates’!
This is a covert war against humanity by a people who have zero compunction massacring seven billion people so they can have ‘a world of their own’ as they’ve time and again stated and who have massacred tens of millions in this century alone in their wars in defence of their fiat currency crime racket; let alone the two great wars of last century so they could achieve their powerbase on Palestinian lands from which they now can menace the globe with illegal nukes, terrorism, financial exploitation and wars the US pusillanimously conducts on their behalf for Greater Israel and to keep their fiat currency crime racket going for as long as possible.
If you appoint one single insider, one DC stooge, Wall Street hack, or chosen operative, you will have sold out to every single promise you’ve solemnly proclaimed and been elected on and will have kicked the productive people in the teeth just like Obama did and who became this century’s second biggest mass-murderer on behalf of the Tribe he’s serving.
Obama is just behind Bushy-boy, who’s still ahead with more corpses to his honour, in the eyes of his handlers that is, scored in Iraq; while Obama's combined tally in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan, and all the countries he’s bombing on behalf of his chosen paymasters makes him a very close second.
Is it fair to attribute every conflagration globally to the US commander in chief?
POTUS ostensibly is ‘in charge’ of the CIA, the US Army and all the myriad of agencies, who, in cahoots with the Mossad, Shin Bet, MI6, DGSE and BND etc are solely behind every conflagration, uprising, war, death and destruction globally; and again that’s an easy one to ascertain, the evidence is cogently available to anyone willing to listen, see and hear!
You will have to be painfully cognisant of these facts as you'll be the fall-guy for all their vile and depraved machinations behind your back for which you are ultimately responsible as the commander in chief!
So good luck Mr. Trump; the world is waiting with baited breath for you to deliver on long overdue justice and the take down of the parasitic, criminal cabal behind all the exploitation, wars, death, destruction, misery and suffering on this planet and including the bankrupting and destruction of America!
One last parting thought to make it very clear what is at stake here:
These leeching 0.01% chosen oligarchs are a parasitic cancer on productive humanity, and like all malignant cancers they must be excised and removed completely, with nothing left to regenerate, or it will consume and kill its host, as WW3, a nuclear Armageddon wiping out all life on this planet is their declared Samson Option if they fail to achieve their World Domination on their terms and they lose their golden goose, that is, the fiat currency crime racket.
We are dangerously close to this heinous insanity and final atrocity of the chosen oligarchy being fulfilled in their delusional belief that they can win and survive a nuclear first strike against the competing powers of Russia and China!
But there won't be any survivors, not even cockroaches!
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