Go to Chapter: | |
◆Who controls America? | ◆Who are these People? |
◆Holocaust or Holohoax? | ◆The REAL Holocaust! |
◆History, Hitler, WW1/2, Khazars | ◆Who owns and controls the MSM? |
Chapters on Page 2 | |
◆Wars, 9/11 & other False Flag Ops | ◆ American/Israeli Axis of Evil |
◆The financial system; How & Who | ◆People in power; their dark secrets |
◆Israel in occupied Palestine | ◆Conclusion |
Supplementary Pages: ◆The main Protagonists behind WW1 and WW2 |
◆Quotes from the Protagonists to understand WW1 and WW2 |
First let's make some bold Statements:
Pyramid of Control The (western) world is largely controlled by a tribalist, supremacist, racist and thoroughly misanthropic tribe, variously referred to as theJewish Lobby
, Israeli Lobby or less charitable and more to the point as the ‘Khazarian Mafia’ (KM). They are a Khazarian – Ashkenazim – Pseudo/Crypto-Jewish Oligarchy exerting iron grip control via Finance, MSM (Main Stream Media), Think-Tanks and Lobby-Groups, which has but one sinister aim; total global dominance, control and exploitation of the entire planet under their control - the enslavement of Humanity or as they call the rest of Humanity, the Goyim i.e. 'Cattle'.
- The US and its Government is totally controlled by this KM.
- Every single Atrocity, every single Crime against Humanity, every War, Uprising, Insurrection, Civil War, every act of Terrorism originates from this KM, controlling the USG and Israel.
- There are no “Muslim Terrorists’, they are all assets of this KM, i.e. the USG/CIA/Israel/Mossad and some ancillary actors; they are literally Divisions of the US Army/CIA - founded, funded, armed, trained and commandeered by them. They are of Wahhabi-Salafi-Takfiri-Jihadi persuasion and have absolutely nothing in common with real Islam! Islam and Muslim countries are being systematically maligned and targeted for destruction by this KM, e.g. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Lebanon to establish a
'Greater Israel'
from the Nile to the Euphrates.
(Incredibly there are US/KM puppets of Muslim Countries conniving with this Crime against Humanity, i.e. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Qatar and GCC countries, i.e. the Sunni Alliance warring on the Zionist's behalf against the Shia axis of Iran, Syria, Houthi in Yemen, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Shia inside Saudi Arabia)
- The whole world lives in a Zombie Matrix of total Disinformation and Lies, disseminated through the 'Zionist Main Stream Media',
(Zio MSM
), owned and controlled by this KM. Every single news item is a virtual Lie of Disinformation and Deception and a suggestive, subliminal form of Indoctrination!
There are only two News Wholesalers; Reuters and AP, but the former is owned by the Rothschild clan and Reuters owns AP, so collectively they globally control the news disinformation and brainwash racket.
- Western Governments and its bullhorn, the Zio MSM, have totally inverted truth and reality and painted the Good Guys as Villains (Gaddafi, Russia/Putin, Chavez/Venezuela, Iran/Ahmadinejad, Assad/Syria, Iraq under Saddam etc, yes they are all the Good Guys, vilified ad nausam by the KM via its own Zio MSM; at one time they were their assets and when it becomes expedient they're eliminated, vilified, invaded, assassinated and destroyed).
And turned the real Villains, threatening world Peace and Cooperation, mass murdering millions and destroying country after country into the 'Good Guys', (USA, NATO, UK, France, Israel and other puppets in the ME and Europe)
- The world is in great danger from the western powers, controlled by this Mafia, in being plunged into a final, thermo-nuclear war of total annihilation in pursuit of their mad and criminal aspirations of a Grater Israel and global hegemony.
- The Askenazim Khazarian Pseudo-Jews are not the victims of persecution and the so called 'Holocaust', they in fact are the persecutors and perpetrators of
Holocaust after Holocaust
; Armenia, Soviet Russia (Genrikh Yagoda et al), Ukraine (Holodomor), Germany (after WW2), Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine again....
They are behind all the Wars, Death, Destruction, Misery and Mayhem on the planet in their deranged pursuit of global dominance and war against the Goyim, i.e. cattle, which is how they contemptuously refer to the rest of humanity.
- The Nuremberg Trials prosecuted the wrong warring party; the real war criminals were the ones doing the prosecuting, they managed to invert the truth and facts through conniving and scheming and the fact that they emerged the victors and own all the media, banks and are the real power on the planet!
As a way of introduction to escaping the Zombie Matrix created by Governments and their Zio MSM here is an excellent Interview with
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
on a wide ranging selection of topics where he even feels free to use theJ Word
. ☻ |
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Interview; 9/11, Oklahoma Bombing, the people behind the Power Structure, Front Orgs, NATO, Israel etc.
And his speech to the Mexican Press Club in accepting their Award. |
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◆ Who controls America?
Who is behind the unspeakable policies of the USG, attacking and destroying country after country?
Who makes the decision to invade and destroy nation after nation, assassinate sovereign leader after sovereign leader, to incessantly vilify, dehumanise a leader, a people, a whole nation and then bomb this country back to the stone-age?
Who demands that American soldiers die for criminal wars of aggression and that the US Tax payer foot Trillion Dollar bills for criminal, genocidal wars of Death and Destruction based on lies and fabrications?
It is a Lobby which can boast about their iron grip on the USG, can sneer at, and deride the very people they use and exploit for their own vile purposes, but if a Goyim dares to call out this Mafia he's labelled a racist, an
, spreadingRacial Hatred
and worse."You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American President can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable.
What can Americans do to us. We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel…."
Israeli spokeswoman Tzipora Menache.
"The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate."
Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee on 10-7-73 on CBS TV's Face The Nation.
"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews..... terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen .... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country"
Sec. of State John Foster Dulles quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff
Bibi Netanyahu: ”I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.”
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How Much Power Does Israel Have Over the US? The Jews totally control the US, how Condoleezza Rice came to vote against her own resolution at the UN! |
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Who Controls the USG? |
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Netanyahu: "I know what America is. America is a thing you can move
very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in the way." |
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Evil with a Nice Face – The Janus Principle Three Part Series on the Monsters behind the Power |
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The US, China and the Jews |
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Is Hillary Clinton A Zionist Shill? Brother Nathanael outs the Zionists behind Hillary and her State Department |
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The Israel Lobby Eliminates Another Critic — Paul Craig Roberts |
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Do Zionists/Israel control the U.S. Government ? Kay Griggs talks about the State Department. |
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Jewish Dominance Of
America - Facts Are Facts |
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David Duke: Zionism, Israel, 'Zionist Protocol of Zion' and World War 3 |
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Total Control Of The United States │ The Israeli/Jewish Lobby │Full Documentary Academics write a paper outing the total control the Jewish Lobby has over the USG. |
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Understanding Money and War An overview of who controls the planet and how. |
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American Holocaust, Millions Of Untimely American Deaths and $40 Trillion cost of Israel To Americans
Dr Gideon Polya |
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The Best Congress AIPAC Can Buy |
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The Unbearable Shame of Cameron’s ‘Torah’ Government. How the Jewish Lobby controls the UK Government. |
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Must Read: The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976The Hidden Tyranny |
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Adolf Hitler vs The Jew World Order 3 hour documentary on Jewish control over the planet! |
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◆ "To find out who rules over you, simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize."
Who are the people who rule over us and whom we are not allowed to criticize?
Who has specific, special laws in most countries to prevent them being held to account for their Crimes?
Which creed is the only one to have an explicit, highly charged and loaded word to describe criticism of them, namely Anti-Semitism?
So who are these People?
“The sole purpose of Goyim is to serve Jews; they have no place in the world, other than to serve the people of Israel.”
Rabbi Yosef.
"Non-Jews have absolutely no place in Israel, and they have absolutely no place attempting to boss Israel around. The life of a non-Jew is disposable, and Jews are entitled to take the lives of non-Jews whenever necessary. Again, the only purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews. If non-Jews are not able to serve Jews, then, under Talmudic law, they should be exterminated. “Palestinians” do not serve Jews in any way. In fact, “Palestinians” do the exact opposite. “Palestinians” are the single biggest threat to the continued existence of the Jewish state that there is. As such, it’s time to stop pretending that “Palestinians” have any rights whatsoever. It’s time to deal with the “Palestinians” the exact same way that we would deal with cockroaches, termites, fleas, ticks, and all other parasites: through swift and merciless extermination."
“Palestinians” deserve nothing more than a slow, painful, and agonizing death. There can be no “Palestinian” left alive. We need to utterly exterminate the “Palestinians.” Then, once we butcher every single “Palestinian,” we need to dig up “Palestinian” graves and burn their bones. Israel needs to focus all of its energy to ensuring that the “Palestinians” are completely and utterly wiped off of the face of the Earth. The only good “Palestinian” is a dead one.
We need to encourage all Jews in Israel to butcher “Palestinians” without any mercy or pity. In fact, we should even give out rewards for people who kill the most “Palestinians.” We should hold contests to see who can kill the most “Palestinians” in the shortest amount of time, with money rewards for the best and most effective “Palestinian” killers. We should offer Jews cash incentives to kill “Palestinians,” like, for example, giving out shekels to any Jew who kills “Palestinians,” with more shekels being rewarded for more “Palestinians” killed. Whenever I’m asked how many “Palestinians” Israel has killed, I know the answer instantly: not nearly enough. Until there is not a single “Palestinian” left breathing, that answer will remain the same. “Palestinians” are a plague upon Israeli civilisation, and they’re a plague that needs to be wiped out. My friends, the time to kill “Palestinians” is long overdue. Grab your weapon today and let’s take out this “Palestinian” scum. The “Palestinians” are parasites and pigs. It’s time to take the pigs to the slaughter. Death to all “Palestinians” and death to anyone who stands in the way of the Jews.
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Quotable Quotes from the Chosen Ones | ||
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Posted in April 2015 Australian Jewish Lawyer expresses the Jewish Mindset - all according to Talmudic Law of course! The most cogent demonstration yet why this 'Religion' has the capacity for the utmost Evil and Insane Depravity. |
A rabid Jew squatting on the Palestinian's stolen Land calls them parasites, pigs, non-humans etc and calls for the extinction of all Palestinians. | ⇨ |
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The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia The origins of the present Ashkenazi Jewish Mafia controlling the planet. |
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Israel: The Promised Land of Organized Crime |
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Courageous David Icke talks 'Rothschild Zionism' aka KM - the ultimate evil scourge on humanity! "Anti-Semitism' is a specific term and laws to prevent the outing of the Zionist's Crimes against Humanity! |
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The Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion The blueprint for the KM's assault on the rest of Humanity, or as they call us the 'Goyim', i.e. Cattle. |
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Jews Against Zionism And Rothschilds What you never hear on Zio MSM: Real, honest Jews vehemently oppose the existence of Israel and its Crimes against the Palestinians |
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Russian Jews And Communism! |
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The secret history of the Khazrian Mafia |
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Russian Jews And Communism! |
A somewhat quirky but still very informative Doco on the Jews behind the Bolshevik Revolution and Soviet Union. | ⇨ |
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Jews plotted the Armenian Holocaust Why Jews don't wont to share their 'victim' status with anyone and won't recognize any other Genocide! |
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Jew Negroponte and Robert Stephen Ford's role in Death Squads and the horrendous Atrocity perpetrated against Syria. And Who is John Negroponte? |
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Who Controls the US Think Tanks? |
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US Rabbi: All Muslims guilty, should be exterminated.
These deranged supremacist, racist and genocidal views harbored by Jews are of such prevalence that they surfaces on a weekly basis from High Clergy, Israeli Politicians at the highest levels and right across Jewish Society. |
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The Myth of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt and the Myth of Palestine the 'promised land'! |
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Judaism in its Own Words – Who is Human? Who is Not? |
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Zionism and how they control us. |
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Excellent analysis of the Jewish Faith through the Torah, Talmud and the Jewish Encyclopedias by a religious scholar! |
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Who has Nukes in the ME and who is the greatest menace and perpetrator of Crimes against Humanity? |
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The Jewish plans of Genocide against the Germans The Holocaust which took place at the end of, and right after WW2 ended. |
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Israel acknowledges that the Jews in fact are Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine! |
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Jewish Newspaper Ynetnews confirms that Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars |
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Why are people afraid of the facts about Jews? |
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◆ Holocaust or Holohoax - you be the judge!
In the latter stages of WW2 the Allies bombed German cities with wave after wave of explosives, four ton blockbuster bombs and hellfire incendiary devices in an odious orgy of calculated venal destruction and wanton, criminal vengeance.

While they destroyed city after city back to the stone age in this wanton orgy of Crimes against Humanity, they also bombed and destroyed everything that moved, from trains, trucks, bridges, roads and railway lines to every other infrastructure necessary to maintain an economy and civil society, while sparing their own American investments in industrial plants in concentration camps and elsewhere.
Thus no supplies could reach any German citizen, nor could supplies be brought into the Concentration Camps and thus the biggest number of casualties in the Camps was caused through starvation by the gratuitous Allied bombing raids themselves. It also fostered Typhus in many ways and thus multiplied the casualties suffered in the Camps
All the propaganda pictures of skeletons and starving Concentration Camp inmates used to vilify the Germans are in fact the result of the Allies dissolute desire to destroy the German civilian population.

All the while the Americans and their Jewish prosecutors were busy persecuting the Nazi Leadership, Jewish General Eisenhower intentionally massacred upwards to 1.7 million
German Soldiers
through neglect, starvation, disease and total lack of any care for them. He deliberately reclassified them as "Disarmed Enemy Forces", DEF instead of POW so he could murder them without the Geneva Convention being a problem or the Red Cross having any right to inspect the Camps, which were bereft of anything other than barbed wires, no toilets, no shelters, no or insufficient food was provided - he literally massacred them in plain sight of the guards who were forbidden to even give them any of their own rations under threat of court martial or being shot on the spot.
It allowed the Allies to shift the blame onto the vanquished Germans for the huge numbers of witnessed deaths; i.e. the horror of the iconic pictures of starving Concentration Camp Inmates, and the piles upon piles of virtual skeletons of victims resulting from their own indiscriminate bombing in an effort to totally paralyse the German supply lines and destroy the German civilian population.
The Jews had long conspired to frame the Germans with a 6 million holocaust and this was the crowning moment of all their decades long efforts to pin this plot on some country, regime or leader, which they previously tried unsuccessfully on Russia and other eastern nations.
It is important to note that at the time the Soviet Union was an almost exclusive Jewish affair, bar
, (see here), who was surrounded by Jewish Apparatchiks who perpetrated the most egregious Crimes against Humanity; the real, the biggest Holocaust in fact in all of Human history.It is equally important to realize that the Nuremberg Trials were a merciless witch hunt by Jews who comprised some 75% of the prosecution at the trials.
The Nuremberg Trials were the Zionists' idea which they forced onto the Allies who were at first reluctant but once they commenced the allies utilised this greatest of all opportunities to blame their own crimes and atrocities on the Germans and have them silenced for good by hanging, all of them, and all innocent of any of the charges and convictions.
The myth of the 6 million gassings was a meticulously planned and disseminated fraud, planned for decades in advance by the Zionists, and with the allied collaborators even dropping leaflets onto German towns and near concentration camps warning of the phantom gassings to instill the falsehood in the minds of the Jews who were transported to labour camps to aid the war effort, a practice employed by all states at war, i.e. to neutralise enemy aliens.
The entire Holocaust fraud has all the appearance of an elaborate effort to gain their Jewish State in Palestine by vilifying the Germans and pinning the blame of this premeditate hoax on them.
It was conceived by the Zionists and served their agenda for the establishment of the state of Israel on someone else's land through this deliberate deceit.
This 6 million Holocaust fraud was first tried on Russia, Poland, Rumania, Galicia and Lithuania during the first three decades of the 20th century but they failed to convince anyone.
Along comes Hitler who avowed to rid Germany of the corrosive Jewish influence, from the sordid decadence and sexual perversion of the 20s and 30s led by the Jews, to their control over media, film, banking, industry and government.
(A very familiar problem today.)
His rhetoric and dogmatism was a gift from heaven for the Zionists who seized their opportunity and switched their vilification and blame of the 6 million in peril story from Russia to Germany at around 1930.
From then on it was full on and the concoctions grew ever more preposterous, from Gas Vans, Human Soap and Skin Lampshades to industrial scale killing in Gas Chambers and the burning of corpses in crematoria etc.
It is important to remember that all the protagonists in WW2, Great Britain, the US and the Soviet Union were all Jewish controlled actors in a play scripted and conducted by the Zionists who wanted Palestine as their homeland and nothing would stop them.
See the Chapter and Timeline on Hitler and WW1/2 below!
The Gerhard Riegner Telegram
The World War 2 Holohoax originated in August 1942 when Gerhard Riegner, later to become Secretary General of the World Jewish Congress, telegrammed a bogus report to Stephen Samuel Wise, the President of the World Jewish Congress in London, stating that inside the Führer’s HQ a plan had been discussed to exterminate all the 3 ½ to 4 million Jews under German occupied territories.
See Telegram
Interestingly the British Foreign Office viewed this ashighly questionable
and dismissed it as just another one of these Jewish ploys, with which they were very familiar and which carried zero credibility with them.
It was however picked up shortly after by the British and spun to its fullest extent as propaganda against the Germans once they realised the enormous propaganda value this provided.
On the 25 and 27 April 1944 two Slovak Jews, Rudolf Vrba and Alfréd Wetzler, who claimed to have escaped from the Auschwitz Camp on the 10th of April that month wrote a ‘report’ of their experience in Auschwitz and what they had witnessed.
This report was published in the US in November 1944 as the ‘Auschwitz Protocols’ and included two other reports written by Jerzy Tabeau, who claimed to have escaped from Auschwitz on 19 November 1943, and a report written by Czesław Mordowicz and Arnost Rosin, who also claimed to have escaped from Auschwitz on 27 May 1944.
Both, Vrba and Wetzler also wrote books of their ‘ordeal and escape’ from Auschwitz and Vrba gave evidence at the Ernest Zündel trial in Toronto in 1985.
Their three separate accounts recorded on paper and Vrba’s testimony at the trial vary grossly and contradict each other on so many points, they seriously undermine their credibility to the point of incredulity and mockery.
During 1944 – 45
Ilya Ehrenberg
, the Russian Jew, author and propagandist and Vasily Grossman aka Iosif Solomonovich, collaborated to write the ‘Black Book' which supposedly chronicled German atrocities against the Jewish People. It also had input from the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC) and from members of the American Jewish Community.
This fictional work lay much of the foundation for the Holohoax and which came to be most of the source for the Holocaust swindle. It was distributed to the prosecution at the Nuremberg Trials as a reference and evidence for alleged German atrocities.
Copies of the manuscript were immediately sent to the US Jewish Congress, to Palestine and Romania, and it was published in excerpts in the US as the Black Book.
It is advisable to again remind us that the Jews across the globe were, and still are, a very well organised and cohesive, world wide community, who collaborated on many issues, e.g. the Boycott of Germany in 1933, and clearly, the fabrication of the Holohoax was such a well orchestrated and planned swindle which they managed to pull off due to their cohesiveness and being able to organise the entire community to work assiduously and united towards their goal of a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
Additionally, the way they were written and published leads to serious suspicion of a concerted conspiracy, and Jews have amply demonstrated that they are fully capable of such coordinated deceptions, schemes and plots.
“If everyone who claims to be a Holocaust survivor actually is one,who did Hitler kill?”
Well known 'Anti-Semite' Jew Norman Finkelstein’s Jewish mother, quoted in Norman Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.
“I have checked out Churchill's Second World War and the statement is quite correct—not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war. This is astonishing. How can it be explained? Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de Guerre is 2,054 pages.
In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war."
Well it is very revealing that crypto Jew Churchill, who hated the Germans more than anyone else, would fail to mention their 'worst crime in history of mankind', as the narrative now goes!
In 1988, during his re-trial in Canada for Holocaust Denial, Ernst Zundel commissioned Fred Leuchter to furnish a detailed report on the alleged Gas Chambers in Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek.
Zundel was previously tried in 1985 and found guilty, convicted and sentenced to
15 months imprisonment
for denying something which has never been proven!Fred Leuchter is an expert on gas executions in the US where such gassings with Cyclone B took place and was instrumental in the design and procedures of the process.
The report showed that in the alleged Gas Chambers, and they are central and pivotal to the whole Holocaust narrative, only minute traces of cyanide in the wall and floor samples were present, while a control sample taken from the Delousing Chambers for clothing had enormous residues of cyanide present.
See Graph to the right:
Subsequently the Polish authorities thought to disprove his findings and commissioned Prof. Dr. Jan Sehn of the Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow to repeat the analysis with wall and floor samples taken from the three sites.
However to their dismay they perfectly corroborated Leuchter’s findings, but tried to downplay the results with the explanation that any traces would have evaporated and disappeared in the intervening time, which of course did not happen to the control sample taken from the Clothing Delousing Chamber!
The Leuchter Report today stands as the most damning piece of evidence that the entire construct of industrial scale gassings of millions at the alleged sites is a Jewish concoction which now proves utterly untenable to continue to be maintained.
Jewish author Gerard Menuhin, son of the famous violinist and author of the book Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil, stated on the Holocaust:
A good lie takes time to plan, and this was a very good lie.
- Evidently, the whole Jewish edifice stands or falls on the perpetuation of this lie.
- Alone the fact that one may not question the Jewish "holocaust" and that Jewish pressure has inflicted laws on democratic societies to prevent questions—while incessant promotion and indoctrination of the same averredly incontestable ‘holocaust’ occur — gives the game away.
The World Almanac shows an increase of the Jewish Population during the War of 438,279! It proves that it must be a lie.
Why else would one not be allowed to question it?
Because it might offend the "survivors"?
Because it "dishonors the dead"?
Hardly sufficient reason to outlaw discussion.
No, because the exposure of this leading lie might precipitate questions about so many other lies and cause the whole ramshackle fabrication to crumble."
- The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. Germany has no blame for the Second World War.
- Hitler was the only one who could have saved the world from the plutocratic and Jewish threat to subjugate the planet, which has happened since.
- Evidently, the whole Jewish edifice stands or falls on the perpetuation of this lie.
He firmly attests to the fact that the Holocaust is in reality a giant hoax and that most of any suffering by Jews during this era was caused by what he calls Zionazis, Jews collaborating with the Germans.
Some of these Zionazis were put in charge of some camps housing Jews, many of the ghettos as in Warsaw and autonomous zones, and instead of passing on food, clothing and medicine to their charges, it was stolen and sold for profit while the Jewish people under their rule were left starving and bereft of the medicine they desperately needed.
He confirms that the Nuremberg Trials were a witch-hunt to silence the German witnesses for good so they could never endanger the Holohoax Lie.
He also attests that people like Simon Wiesenthal were part of this process to clean up the very last of German witnesses and to silence them for good, like Eichmann who was kidnapped in Argentina, taken back to Israel and murdered after a Kangaroo show trail!
Jew David Cole, wearing his kippah, interviewed the Auschwitz Curator Dr. Franciszek Piper, who on camera admitted that Krema I, the hallowed 'homicidal gas chamber' shown of to millions of visitors to this holy Jewish shrine, was in fact rebuilt after the war by the Russians!
David Cole's investigation and visit to Auschwitz is very revealing and largely debunks the arguments that this site was the scene of mass-executions of Jews by gassing.
Unexpected corroboration of the Holocaust being an elaborate hoax comes also unwittingly from the Allies themselves.
The British and American air forces flew over Germany and photographed and documented most every of their activities and specifically the concentration camps which were American/Jewish investments, and there is no evidence of the mountains of coal needed to burn the bodies, nor the ensuing smoke plumes nor any evidence that corpses or remains were buried in industri8al scale pits, as is alleged.
Yet Jewish 'eyewitnesses' attest to the constant, round the clock incineration of gassed victims in the camps.
The 'Holocaust' of the 6 million is a predicted, cabalistic, Talmudic event of Rabbinical origin and the Jews believe that if the world can be convinced that this event has already happened then it won’t ever come to pass in reality.
It is also linked to the state of Israel, where it is predicted that this event must precede the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
The Jews have managed to achieve both these predictions, no Holocaust ever happened to them and they’ve got their Jewish state on the Palestinian’s Homeland.
It is the biggest, most audacious fraud ever pulled off; the theft of a land belonging to the Palestinians plus the Victimhood status they still exploit to the fullest along with the reparation payment extortion racket for something which never happened.
'Holocaust Denial' and 'Anti-Semitism' are now so ingrained as 'vile and odious' crimes, while of course the Ashkenazim Jews are not Semites but Khazars, but the Palestinians, their victims, are. And the Holocaust is far from being an established fact, to the contrary, it is now the most contested part of standard history but protected by inquisitional type laws that one is not even allowed to ask questions as to the veracity and proof.
Then there is their 'Victimhood' ruse, it is their trump-card pulled every time to smother and silence any criticism of all their own Crimes against Humanity today in Palestine and historically across Europe and Russia!
One of the most cogent proofs that the Holocaust never happened comes from the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the
Red Cross
on its Activities during the Second World War. In the entire report there was not a single mention of Gas Chambers or exterminations of any kind. In fact theRed Cross
was active in the Camps throughout the war and delivered food parcels unhindered and with the cooperation of the Germans. The only refusals and blocking they experienced was from the Americans and the Soviets, who had plenty of crimes and atrocities to hide!The Red Cross even praised the liberal conditions in camps like Theresienstadt, and having inspected all camps never found grounds to condemn or charge the Germans with neither willful neglect nor maltreatment.
See below!
There also was never a single document produced from the entire German archives, which were mostly seized by the Allies, which would suggest that the Germans even had a plan, or were carrying out an extermination program.
Besides the improbable logistics and lack of fuel supplies, mass graves or corpse to prove that a holocaust took place.
All bar one of the accused strenuously denied all the accusations and it was used to highlight and further smear the Germans as proof of their evil, callous nature and flawed characters by not showing any remorse and admission of guilt.
The only one to ever 'confess' was Rudolf Höss, and his supposed admission of guilt was extracted under the most horrific of torture from his all Jewish captors and interrogators, British and Polish.
In fact his ‘confession’ was full of improbabilities and couched messages to signal that it was all a lie and untrue.
He referred to a nonexistent camp called ‘Wolzek, near Lublin’, his admission stated that he killed 2 million Jews while even mainstream Holocuastian ‘historians’ today admit that it could never have been more than 1 million, he refers to homicidal gas chambers which are easily disproved as having been unable to cremate 10,000 corpses per day, and the camps Treblinka and Belzec did not even exist at the time the Germans supposedly were busy exterminating Jews there.
The whole ‘confession’ trail of papers, which involved statements in German and English, is full of contradictions and evidence of outright forgery where a hand written addenda was added to a signed confession document, but the forger misplaced the addition and instead of adding it to paragraph 10 wrote it as an addition to paragraph 9, making the whole chapter incomprehensible.
In all the entire confession of Rudolf Höss would never stand up to any judicial rigors and scrutiny and would be thrown out immediately in any respectable court.
But as is widely acknowledge now the Nuremberg Trials were the epitome of a witch hunt and an inquisitional type miscarriage of justice.
Höss made this statement about the confession to Moritz von Schirmeister:
"Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not."
Pogroms did indeed happen, particularly in the once Soviet occupied countries of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Hungary where the local people took exacting revenge on their Jewish oppressors from the Soviet occupation days prior to the German invasion, which they greeted as liberators.
Many innocent Jews were massacred indiscriminately by these 'liberated' peoples, solely because of the atrocities the Jewish Apparatchiks perpetrated in these countries under Soviet rule.
Continue reading on the Holohoax in the WWII Chapter, how it all ties into world events and WW2 and how the Nuremberg Trials came about!
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Jewish born David Cole in Auschwitz Investigating the veracity and feasibility of the Gas Chambers. |
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The Great Holocaust Mystery: Reconsidering the Evidence |
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271 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement |
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The Auschwitz 'Gas Chambers' were built after the War! |
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Official Polish Report on the Auschwitz 'Gas Chambers' This leaked Report totally vindicates the 'Leuchter Report' that the alleged 'Gas Chambers' at Auschwitz were never used for gassings with Zyklone B as no residues were found, but plenty were fund in the Delousing Rooms! |
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Must Read A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust' by the Red Cross Would the Red Cross Lie by reporting that there were no Gassings in any of the Concentration Camps? From the Book: "Did Six Million Really Die?" |
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Some Technical and Chemical Considerations
about the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz and Birkenau
Germar Rudolf, Video and Link |
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The Leuchter Report Fred Leuchter was commissioned by Ernst Zündel in his defence at the trial for 'Doubting the Holocaust'. |
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Auschwitz—The Surprising Hidden Truth The incredibility of the Gassing Story. Video |
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The cabalistic 6 million Jews in the News Papers well before WWI |
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Anne Franck Diary a fake |
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Auschwitz: The rest of the Story An investigation of what the situation was really like in Auschwitz. |
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David Irving Nuremberg - The last Battle Entire Book |
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How the "Holocaust" was faked |
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Hellstorm - The Dresden Holocaust The US/UK Allies' Crimes against Humanity |
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The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax Parts 2, 3, 4 Part one has been blocked. |
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Former Jew Brother Nathanael on the Holocaust Myth |
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America's premiere crime family the Bush's in cahoots and funding Hitler. Skull & Bones, Secret Societies. Auschwitz was an American Enterprise, the entire Nazi War Machine was an American Enterprise where the US and European elites and Royalties invested to profiteer. Good Doco bar the belief that the Holocaust might be real. |
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Debunking the Holocaust Excellent 4 hour Documentary The Nuremberg Trials examined in some detail |
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Robert Faurisson Germans Punished in World War II by 3d Reich Authorities for Mistreating Jews |
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Holocaust Lies Exposed Facebook Page |
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Auschwitz Testimonies by former inmates. What you don't usually get to hear about life in the Concentration Camp. |
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Is the Holocaust a Hoax? |
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Judea Declares War On Germany
A Critical Look at WWII |
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The Holocaust - The greatest lie ever told |
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Old Almanacs Never Lie! The Jewish World Population by Jewish Statisticians themselves! There are no missing 6 million Jews, in fact their numbers increased from start to the end or WW2! |
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'Holocaust' Eyewitness accounts debunked!
Jewish owned and controlled Hollywood produced countless Holocaust and anti German works of fiction; Schindler's List and The Last Days by Spielberg are two notable such Hate Films full of Lies. |
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◆ And the REAL Holocaust never talked about!
Numbers vary greatly but Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn puts the figure at 60 million and puts the blame squarely onto the Jews who controlled the political, military and security apparatus of the Soviet Union and who hated the Russians and everyone else.
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Sever Plocker, Israeli Jew admits that Jews were behind the greatest Mass Murder in all of human history. |
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The Secret Behind Communism David Duke introduces his new book outing the real Holocaust by the Jewish Bolsheviks! |
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Israeli Media Reveals The Secret Behind Communism David Duke talks about the greatest mass murder in all of human history. |
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Vladimir Putin: 80 to 85% of the Bolsheviks in the first Soviet Government were Jews.....
Visibly uneasy, Putin telling a Jewish audience the truth about the evil People behind the evil Bolsheviks. |
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BOLSHEVIK JEWS PLOTTED THE UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST Jewish born Nathanael Knapner on the REAL Holocaust |
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◆ History of WW1/2, Hitler, Palestine, Khazars,
Ashkenazi Jews
To understand the present we must know our past!
To understand Hitler’s aversion to the Jews, that is particularly the
, as he called the Ashkenazim Jews, one has to look what happened during WWI and the involvement of the Zionists in the so called ‘defeat’ of Germany, which was a stalemate of sorts, and the subsequent onerous Treaty of Versailles, foisted on Germany by the Allies and their Jewish masters behind the scenes.The Jews implemented an underhand plan step by step once they realised that their frivolous aspiration to a Jewish Homeland was within grasp via the
Balfour Declaration
. In fact they lobbied well before that for Palestine to be 'given' to them, by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the German Kaiser who was friendly with the Sultan, and the British who had an interest in the ME via the Suez Canal.Once they secured a deal with the British via the Balfour Declaration, they switched sides to the Allies which promised them the Palestinian’s Homeland in return for getting America to enter into WWI and thus share in the spoils.
They were behind the onerous, iniquitous and irrational Versailles Treaty which ensured WWII followed out of these injustices and punitive measures, as was
at the time.Then in 1933 Jews declared economic war on Germany which prompted Hitler to formulate the ‘Transfer Agreement’ which allowed 60,000 Jews to settle in Palestine and take $100 million of their wealth with them in exchange for the ending of the economic blockade the Zionists were waging against Germany.
Nevertheless the antagonism and economic war against Germany continued and this led to Hitler incarcerating his sworn enemies, the Khazarian Jews into
labour Camps
, not to ‘exterminate’ them but as workers in support of rebuilding Germany and later the war effort.And they were behind the Kangaroo Court Show Trials at Nuremberg which were a witch hunt of epic proportions where the Holohoax was milked to the max without any cogent proof and evidence.
Some 75% of the prosecution teams at Nuremberg were Jews and they hardly followed anything resembling established judiciary norms and procedures to establish the truth and facts.
History is full of intrigues and far more complex than the standard faux 'history' foisted on us by the victors who would have us believe it was all Hitlers' fault.
Was Hitler in essence a reasonable man, albeit somewhat possessed with his mission as he saw it, who had only the best interests of the German people at heart and had to fight against the international Jewry who was out to destroy him and Germany, or was he
thoroughly evil
from the outset and committed many heinous atrocities?Was he the sole architect of the German economic miracle recovery reducing 6 million unemployment to less than one million in four years and to zero within five years by issuing his own debt-free money and cutting out the Jewish bankers, or was he financed into it by Jewish financiers who saw an opportunity to profiteer and get their agenda promoted?
Was he a
who wanted to avoid war or was he a scheming warmonger who re-armed as soon as he was in power with the clear aim of war?Was he a megalomaniac and the architect of his own downfall or was he set up to fail by an international Jewish conspiracy?
He was, by degrees, most of that and that’s why to this day the arguments rage as to who Hitler was and what he stood for, and of course at the same time he must, despite of all his failings and demagoguery, be the most maligned and misrepresented figure in history – the victors get to write the history books.
Hitler was a useful puppet in the Jews' grand scheme who marked himself as the fall-guy for the Zionists’ agenda of pinning a ‘6 million Holocaust’ on some loathed despot.
They’ve tried to pull off this ploy between 1900 and 1926 by constantly blaming Governments in Russia, Poland, Rumania, Galicia and Lithuania but failed to convince anyone of this concocted conspiracy.
With his fervent
anti Jewish rhetoric
, though largely justified, he was picked out as the one who could be blamed for this fictitious pogrom predicted in the Rabbinical Talmud.Hitler suddenly shot from obscurity to prominence flush with money he was furnished to further his agenda to rid the Jewish influence on German life; Media, Industry, Banking and Government.
From around 1930 the ‘6 million Jews in Peril’ concoction switched from Russia and the eastern countries (Poland, Rumania, Galicia and Lithuania) to Germany, blaming Hitler for the fictitious Holocaust they desperately wanted to pin on someone so their 6m Holocaust prophecy would be fulfilled and the ‘Promised Land’ prediction could be accomplished.
The Nuremberg Trials were the culmination of this long process of the 6m Holocaust ploy, where it could be squarely blamed on the vanquished Germans under the veneer of a legal process.
These Trials, which are now widely acknowledged as the ultimate definition of a Kangaroo Court, were the brainchild of the World Jewish Congress, as Nahum Goldmann, onetime President of the World Jewish Congress and also the World Zionist Organization, confessed in his Memoirs. He also laments that it took considerable effort and coercion to get this idea accepted by the Allies, so the Jews could fulfill their long cherished plot.
But once the Trials commenced the Allies certainly made the best use of them as cover for, and to blame their own
Crimes against Humanity
on the Germans!Jews comprised some 75% of the prosecution team at Nuremberg.
This scheming, desperate coercion and conniving to hold these trials, more than anything else, clearly demonstrates that it was all a setup from the outset by a wily, conniving clique who had the determination, cunning, deviousness and the financial/political power to pull it off.
The highly influential Jews who controlled the USG, Felix Frankfurter, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Jacob and brother Nehemiah Robinson, Nahum Goldmann and Sam Rosenman were the principal architects behind the Nuremberg Trials.
A conference was held in London between the 26 of June and 8 of August 1945 to thrash out how they can possibly accomplish their plot of murdering all the German Leaders to silence them as witnesses and establish the 6 million gassings as a ‘Fact’!
The minutes to this conference were illegally released some years later, too late to show the world that these trials were a complete, deliberate setup to blame innocent Germans of Atrocities they did not commit and in fact were perpetrated by the prosecutors themselves.
The conference was attended by delegates from the US, UK, France and the Soviet Union; amongst the attendees were the following:
Arch Zionist, Former US Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and to be Chief Prosecutor at these ‘Trials’!
“And this pike, Hitler naturally, must by the end of the trial have mutated into a monstrous killer shark, threatening to devour all the little fish and striving for world domination.”
“Who’s talking about a fair trial? Of course the Germans will try to accuse the Allies of pursuing a policy that forced them into war. I expect that, since I know about the documents seized from the German Foreign Office. They all come to the same conclusion:
“We have no way out. We must fight; we are encircled; we are being strangled”
“The Trials will be a continuation of the war efforts of the allied nations.”
“As far as specific charges are concerned, the United States are particularly interested in developing the criminal charge of waging aggressive war, in order to depict Germany’s entire conduct of the war as illegal.
This is because, during the War, I suggested certain measures to President Roosevelt that under international law could be justified only with the theory that Germany’s conduct was illegal.
In order to justify these measures, the United States have a particular interest in judicially establishing the illegality of the German war.”
“You must understand that it is not going to be just an international tribunal, but an international military tribunal!
And nobody will have a say about its composition except we and we alone. All the judges will be picked from countries that took part in the War. We will be the ones who frame the court charter, determine the composition of the court, and write the legal code for the court.
We will be the court prosecutors and the court judges. In this trial neither the accused nor the witnesses will have a right to testify freely, except perhaps Hermann Göring.”
French Appeals Court Judge Robert Falco
“If we pursue this, the court will be punishing the Germans for crimes with which the Allies can equally be charged.”
British Attorney General Maxwell-Fyfe,
“I am personally in favour of the method of summary execution!”
“What we want to avoid in this trial is a discussion about whether or not the proceedings are violations of international law. We shall simply state what international law is and then not allow any discussion of whether it is international law or not.”
US Brigadier General Telford Taylor
“It is not possible to push through the absurd notion of Germany’s sole guilt, rather the opposite will come out.”
“That means that the question of who is actually guilty of starting the war must be avoided at all costs . ... . it must not be allowed to come up.”
French Professor of International Law Dr. Gros
“If lawmakers, prosecutors and judges are all the same persons, this fact alone will constitute a decisive objection. In every legal system with which I am familiar, such a composition would be illegal and impossible.”
“Besides, how can men who have committed no criminal acts still be accused and sentenced? We French may think that such a thing would be politically desirable, but it is not possible under international law.”
“The acts of which the German leaders can be accused is an old familiar story, but the fact remains that no one has ever declared such deeds to be criminal violations of international law. If we do this now, it will be a case of ex post facto lawmaking.”
- Russian General Nikitchenko
It was a means to solidify the Holocaust swindle into law and into the collective conscience of humanity as having been legally established during these objectionable witch hunt trials bereft of even the most basic of legal principles.
It was also, and particularly repugnantly so, the means of blaming the Allies' own atrocities and Crimes against Humanity on the Germans; namely the starving of Camp Inmates due to allied bombing the entire German infrastructure and supply lines.
All this is candidly admitted in comments by the perpetrators themselves!
The ‘London Charter’ was signed on conclusion of this conference and expounded the .
Nuremberg Principles
.Industry and Bankers were busy furtively funding Hitler’s fledgling Nazi Party, and continued once in power.
Then Hitler implemented Hjalmar Schacht's scheme of self-funding infrastructure projects via Bills of Credit circulating amongst participating Industry, a special entity called MEFO, the Reichsbank and commercial Banks.
This was a means to rebuild Germany and re-arm the Wehrmacht without going further into debt, of which Germany already had plenty.
This was only a parallel operation to normal banking and Hitler did little to nothing to curb the banks and the international Jewish financial oligarchy he so decried before coming to power.
A sure sign that he was a tool for these banksters in their plans!
Hitler undertook the invasion of Poland only as a ‘punishing expedition’ without declaring war, which he said he was forced into after Polish pogroms against Germans in its territories made life intolerable for the Germans living under Polish rule, and the refusal for a corridor to East Prussia and the return of the ‘Free City of Danzig’ which was over 90% German and used for the purpose of allowing Poland the use of its port facilities.
But he knew that Roosevelt and Churchill already had decided that they wanted a war with Germany to halt its phenomenal economic and social success and becoming a competitor in world trade once again.
The ‘Mutual Assistance Treaty’ between Britain, France and Poland was specifically designed to trap Germany into a pan European, and eventually a world war and gave Poland the confidence to test Hitler’s patience and resolve by refusing any of
Hitler’s reasonable request
, and carrying out pogroms against the millions of Germans living in the Polish sphere.So let’s examine the history of the 20th century and the most influential man who helped shape it. But first a Chronological Timeline of key events leading up to WWI, WWII and the establishment of the Jewish State:
• | Early 1800s | Emancipation of the Jews in Germany . |
• | 1850s | First mention of 6 million Jews in the Zio MSM |
• | Mid - late 1800s | Jews have taken control of most of German industry, finance, media and administration. |
• | 1891 | First mention of 6 million Jews being persecuted. |
• | 1896 | Theodor Herzl publishes ‘Der Judenstaat’, The Jewish State. |
• | 29 August 1897 | First Zionist Congress advocating for a Zionist state in Palestine. |
• | 18 October 1898 | Theodor Herzl meets the Kaiser to ‘ask’ for Palestine. |
• | 28 July 1914 | WWI breaks out with Austro-Hungarian Empire declaring war on Serbia |
• | 7 May 1915 | Sinking of Lusitania. (which was by all accounts a False Flag Operation |
• | During 1916 | Zionists approach the Kaiser again to collaborate with their cause and ‘promise’ them Palestine, which the Kaiser could not unreservedly guarantee as it was part of Germany’s ally’s territory, the Ottoman Empire. |
• | 1916 -1917 | Upon failure to get unconditional guarantees from the Germans the Zionists managed to strike a deal with Britain in a quid pro quo deal; Britain would guarantee Palestine to the Jews and they in turn would wield their immense influence to get the US to enter the War to effect victory. (Woodrow Wilson was a Jewish controlled puppet.) |
• | 6 April 1917 | The US Wilson Administration declares War on Germany against overwhelming public opposition but on the behest of his Jewish minders. |
• | 2 Nov 1917 | The Balfour Declaration was made public in a letter to private citizenLord Rothschild . In fact the deal was struck and sealed well before the US entered the war, back in 1916. |
• | 8 January 1918 | Wilson issues his 14 point plan of 'fair conditions' for Germany to surrender. |
• | 11 Nobember 1918 | Signing of Armistice to end hostilities of WWI |
• | 28 June 1919 | Signing of the Treaty of Versailles Jews had taken control of the Versailles Treaty process and managed to get the most onerous conditions forced upon Germany: huge Territorial losses and unpayable Reparations |
• | 10 January 1920 | League of Nations founded. |
• | 1930 | The Zionist Jews and their Press switch from vilifying Russia for a 6 million pogrom to blaming Germany for their '6 million Holocaust'. |
• | 30 January 1933 | President Paul Von Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor, a relatively minor positions as most of the powers were vested in the President. |
• | March 1933 | Jews declare War on Germany |
• | 7 August 1933 | Hitler and the Zionists conclude the Transfer Agreement, allowing some 60,000 Jews and $100 million of their wealth to be transferred to Palestine in return for ending the Economic Boycott of Zionist Jewry. |
• | 2 August 1934 | President Hindenburg dies allowing Hitler to consolidate power. |
• | 24 October 1938 | German FM Ribbentrop proposes to Polish Ambassador Lipski four very generous steps to rectify the injustice of Versailles and to eliminate all sources of friction between the two countries.This offer was repeatedly tendered numerous times by Germany only to be rebuffed by Poland on British behests. |
• | 9 Nov 1938 | Kristallnacht |
• | 23 August 1939 | Signing of the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact , containing a secret protocol dividing Poland, 1/3 to Germany and 2/3 to the Soviet Union. |
• | 25 August 1939 | Mutual Assistance Treaty between Great Britain and Poland renewed. |
• | 31 August 1939 | Hitler orders the start of hostilities against Poland and the next day German troops attack and march into Poland. |
• | 3 September 1939 | Britain and France declare war on Germany. |
• | 6 October 1939 | Hitler offers peace terms in a speech before the Reichstag. |
• | 10/12 October 1939 | Britain then France reject Hitler's offer of peace . |
• | 22 June 1941 | Operation Barbarossa against Soviet Union commences.Hitler justified this operation to prevent the Bolsheviks overrunning all of Europe in this announcement read by Joseph Goebbels. |
• | 30 April 1945 | Hitler commits suicide. |
• | 8 May 1945 | Unconditional surrender by Germany. |
• | 24 October 1945 | The U.N. charter takes effect after Member States' ratification. |
• | 20 November 1945 | Nuremberg Trials for the 23 'Major War Criminals' were held ending on the 1 October 1946
A second set of Trials was held between 9 December 1946 and 13 April 1949 of 12 lesser defendants called the Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals |
• | 29 November 1947 | U.N. Resolution 181 passespartitioning Palestine to establish the Jewish State. |
• | - to this Day | Israel manages to illegally occupy almost all of the land of the Palestinians and is working to establish a Greater Israel spanning from the Nile to the Euphrates. War after War is being initiated by the Zionists in control of the USG andCountry after Country is being destroyed on behalf of the Zionist state. |
• | 31 may 1949 |
Apparently a secret Agreement was forced onto the Germans giving the Allied Victors, amongst other clauses,sovereignty over German Media until 2099, Germany's Gold is kept with the US Fed as some sort of Bail deposit, every incoming Chancellor must sign onto this secret Agreement, and it gives the US wide ranging sovereignty over Germany. |
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Must Read! In their own words! Essential Quotes to help us understand Hitler and WW2 better! |
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Zionist Jew converts to Catholicism and exposes Jewish Conspiracy. |
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Must Read President Roosevelt's Campaign To Incite War in Europe: (Driven on by his Jewish handlers) The Secret Polish Documents! |
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The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany The Economic Boycott of 1933 | ⇨ | |
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Top Israeli archaeologists contest Jewish ties to Jerusalem |
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Justice for Germans Revisionist History Lesson |
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Synagogue of Satan The story of the Khazar/Ashkenazim Jews |
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A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes |
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Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why? |
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Hitler's War; What the Historians Neglect to Mention |
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The ugly truth of the Satanic Talmud |
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History of the Theft of Palestine and the Jewish Invention of Modern Terrorism |
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Dennis Wise, Part 1 - Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told Interview with Dennis Wise, see Documentary below! |
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The path towards World War 2 Britain's and Poland's incredible intransigence and belligerence towards Germany's most generous Peace proposals. |
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Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story NEVER Told; Parts 1-27 |
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Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’ Yet another Jewish perpetrated Holcaust in the making! |
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Hitler's real 'Final Solution' The Transfer Agreement Is Adolf Hitler Really the Founding Father of Israel? |
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Jewish Domination in pre-Nazi Germany Hitler had several gripes with the Jews and domination of the News Media and Industry was one of them. |
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Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution Book by Antony C. Sutton |
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Who is Responsible For World War 2 and 72 Million Dead? How the Jewish Banksters carved up Germany and imposed the most onerous conditions at Versailles to ensure WWII was not too far off in coming. |
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Must See: HellstormExposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany The intentional, systematic destruction of Germany and the attempted extinction of the German people by Churchill , Jew Eisenhower and the Soviet Jews.Yet another Holocaust perpetrated by the Jews! |
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Talk by David Irving The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History. |
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The Rothschilds, Hitler, Holocaust, Israel & Zionist World Government |
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The Jewish Declaration
Of War On Germany The Economic Boycott of 1933 |
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Must Read The Jewish Hand in the World Wars Parts 1+2 |
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1990 Interview With General Otto Ernst Remer Hitler, Jews, Partisans, Poland, Barbarossa and the real reasons for the WW2! |
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Churchill, a Zionist puppet doing their vile bidding. He was also by all accounts, at least partially, a Jew himself! |
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Must Watch Rothschild Cartel behind the rise of Hitler also funding communism socialism and world war. |
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According to Viktor Suvorov, a Russian KGB who wrote books on this, Hitler saved all of Europe from a Soviet Invasion and being incorporated into the Soviet Union. |
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Must Watch The Injustice of the Nuremberg Trials Had the same standards applied to the Allied Leaders they would have all been hanged, while the Germans would have walked free! Nuremberg Trials, the very definition of a Kangaroo Court; a vindictive witch-hunt against the vanquished to cover their own Crimes! |
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◆ The ownership of the Main Stream Media, MSM, how it is controlled and by whom.
There are really only two main global news outlets; Reuters and AP.
Reuters is owned by the Rothschild Jews and AP is owned by Reuters!
So, the wholesale news dissemination business is concentrated in Jewish hands, and the Rothschild Clan at that.
All major news networks in the US and globally are Jewish owned, many or most European News conglomerates are Jewish owned, like for instance the Swedish Bonnier Family which owns many of the Scandinavian press and TV networks.
This is repeated globally and ad to this that the CIA, BND and MI5/6 are embedded in many of the news organisations, or write propaganda articles and then force journalists to put their name to it or lose their jobs, we have a totally controlled, manipulated and compromised world wide news service!
The lies planted in one newspaper via the CIA are then picked up and repeated globally and none of the Main Stream Media, MSM, dare to challenge lies thus planted and disseminated globally for fear of being ostracised and isolated; it is self-censorship by way of conforming with the Jewish mega News Corporations which dominate the propaganda racket globally. Today we have these media whores doing exactly the same as they’ve always have done; vilify, warmonger and lie people into war! It was so in WW1, in WW2, in Korea, Viet Nam, Libya, Syria, now Ukraine, Russia – it is all based on complete lies and fabrications.
The good guys are portrayed, with lies, slander and inventions, as the villains, i.e. Gaddafi, Chavez, Maduro, Assad, Putin, while the criminals like Netanyahu, Erdogan, the Saudi King, Obama, Kerry, Nuland, Blair, Cameron, Hollande are the ‘good guys’ while they massacre, rape, torture, behead and crucify hundreds of thousands with their proxy terrorists like ISIS and AQ and their NATO terror and death machine.
It is all controlled and directed as it always has been, by the Jewish Mafia in order to further the Jewish/Israeli cause of expansion and world domination.
There are some notable exceptions; RT and Press TV for example, the Russian and Iranian owned News Channels which have excellent coverage and factual, reliable news.
But they are being silenced, threatened and marginalise; Press TV was kicked off their satellite service despite of having cast iron contracts, RT is being hounded by British OFCOM and is very cognisant that it must tread extremely carefully so as not to be shut down. Some of the most hard hitting and most popular programmes like Daniel Bushel’s ‘The Truthseeker’ and Abby Marin’s ‘Breaking the Set’ have been dropped.
While OFCOM is persecuting RT, the BBC is disseminating lies and propaganda on an industrial scale; fabricating footage and news stories and inverting facts and truth in virtually every story they broadcast.
It has become a Zombie Planet with Humanity living in a Hologram of a virtual Zio-Jewish Surreality!
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Six Jewish Companies Control 96% Of The World’s Media |
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The Jews Who Own The Media By Jewish born Brothers Nathanael |
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Who runs Hollywood? C'mon! Jew Joel Stein gloats how the Jews control Hollywood, the Media, Wall Street and the Government |
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BBC Caught Fabricating Videos to push Libya and Syria War Agendas |
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BBC Foreknowledge of 9/11 Collapse of WTC Building Seven: British Man Won Law Suit against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up |
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Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, Editor of Major German Newspaper confesses that he planted Stories for the CIA |
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Washington Is Driving The World To The Final War Paul Craig Roberts |
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MSM gets its 'News' pre-packaged supplied and repeats it word for word to a gullible audience! See also link to right. |
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Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation
The Lies planted by the CIA are the 'News' carried globally, that's how the entire planet is under their spell of Lies and Deception. |
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